[英文筆記][區別/差異] salary, wages, pay, income 都是薪水 都一樣嗎 怎麼分
Wages, salary, 和 pay 都是和個人有關,以及他們從工作中所獲得的報酬(=金錢)
Income 則是和個人&公司有關。
an amount of money that a worker is paid based on the number of hours, days, etc., that are worked
支付的薪水是以時數或是天數來計算 (時薪或是日薪*員工工作總工時或是天數)
The job pays very low wages. 這份工作的薪水(日薪或是/時薪)很低。
His wages last month were $2,000. 她上個月的薪水(日薪或時薪計算)總共兩千元。
What’s the minimum wage? 最低時薪是多少?
a fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee, usually paid directly into his or her bank account every month
固定一年薪水的總金額 (通常每個月直接轉入員工的銀行帳號)
The average salary for a teacher is $39,000 a year. 老師一年的平均薪資是$39,000.
His salary is $50,000 a year. 他的年薪是$50,000。
He gets a high salary. (He earns a good salary.) 他的薪水很好。
pay: (UC)
money paid to someone for doing work
The work is hard, but the pay is good. 工作很辛苦,不過薪水很不錯。
His pay last month was $2000. 他上個月薪水$2000。
income :
money that is earned from work, investments, business, etc.
I’m satisfied with my current income. 我對目前的收入很滿意。
He earns a good income as a consultant. 他當顧問的收入不錯。
I manage to live on a small income. 我靠著低收入過日子。
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